Giveaway and Reviews

THREE Review stops on my tour today!

All with Some fantastic reviews.
(excerpts of their reviews below) 

Visit them to enter the $10 amazon Giftcard Giveaway!

November 24: Books Are Love
"...the action in the book is one of danger and gives more insight into the world that Alec and Lily are in. It brings you further into the book and has you hoping that Lily and Alec make it through and come out together. A intriguing fascinating book on finding out you aren’t who you seem,, coming to terms with it, going after those who shattered your world only to find a more complex and dangerous situation that leads to finding a purpose for two people who are attracted to each other and have you rooting they come together...."

"...Overall, the characters in Enchanted Revenge were well-written and as well-drawn as the world in which they lived.  What struck me most about them, though, were the small details.  I could completely relate to Lily’s wry humor and her love for books (we happen to have the same taste!), and I loved watching the intricacies of the development of her relationship with Alec..."

November 24: Romorror Fan Girl

"...This book is so much fun to read!!
It's an excellent YA Fantasy book, the Author makes a great job creating Empyrean and the magical creatures, it's really a wonderful world..."


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