Soul Slam Book tour and Giveaway!

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Soul Slam Soul Force Book 1
by Allie Burton



A sixteen-year-old on her first heist to steal an ancient Egyptian amulet inadvertently receives the soul of King Tut…and the deadly curse that comes with it.
And Olivia is not alone at the museum.
A member of a secret Society, Xander believes it is his place to inherit King Tut’s soul and justly rule. He knows nothing about the society’s evil plan to control the world or the curse. Now, he must deal with the female imposter who stole the amulet.

Xander convinces Olivia they must form a temporary partnership. The two teens develop a connection, and together they must figure out how to end the curse before it turns deadly. On the run, unable to touch because of the curse, and dealing with a male soul inside her female body, Olivia must learn to trust Xander.

As the mystery surrounding the amulet unfolds, Olivia and Xander start to fall for each other. But is love enough to save them and the world from destruction?



(from the end of Chapter 1)

Crawling ninja-style out of the sarcophagus, my black gym shoes hit the ground without a sound. But inside, a screech built up in my lungs and released on a heavy exhale, the scream so loud it sounded like an alarm. “Aiyeeeeee!”

Xander and the old man froze.

I lunged at the case, swooped in, and grabbed the amulet.

A jolt rocked my body. Pain rocketed up my spine, but I held tight to the prize. Clutching the piece in both hands, I hit the concrete floor like a football player making a catch, and kept rolling.

“A girl.” Xander’s surprised voice rose on a high note. “What the…Tut.”

“Grab her!” The old man spoke in English.

“Touch her?” Xander sounded horrified like I was the slime of the world. “I can’t.”

“She’s got the amulet.”

I tried to get to my feet, but the pulsing inside threw me off balance. I crashed back onto the floor. Pain seared my fingers and heat rushed my veins.

My body jerked. My head spun.

Something slammed into me from the inside, like it was in my body trying to get out. Back and forth I jerked. A powerful energy thumped from my ribcage to my stomach and back again.

I trembled from head to foot. My vision blurred. Images swam before my eyes—a blue river, golden statues, Egyptian pyramids, deceit, and death.

“What’s going on?” The sound coming out of my mouth warbled. “Am I dying?”

This felt worse than the time I had pneumonia with no medicine, or the time I broke my arm and Fitch duct taped it…

Fogginess seeped into my consciousness. If I blacked-out they’d steal the amulet, leave me to be caught, to go to prison, to face Fitch’s wrath.

Whatever was inside me ignited like a nuclear bomb. My skin could no longer contain my insides. I’d explode into tiny pieces and scatter across the museum floor.

“It’s happening… To. Her.” Jeb’s voice was faint as if coming from a distance, but I saw his shoes through squinted eyelids.

“But it’s my right. My inheritance.” Xander stomped his sandaled foot near my head. “My destiny.”

“It’s too late.” Jeb’s voice curled like a sneer with extra hatred. “The transfer has occurred. This stupid girl is now in possession of King Tutankhamun’s soul.”


1. Do you wish you were someone else? Who? No, because every life has its ups and downs, it’s good and bad. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
2. What did you do on your last birthday?  I had lunch with friends, got a massage and facial, and went to the movies with my family. Nice and simple.
3. What are you working on right now? I’m working on the final story in the Lost Daughters of Atlantis series. Scylla is half-sea monster and half-Atlantean princess who is determined to fulfill her legend to destroy Atlantis. 
4. What do you think you’re really good at? I’ve been told my dialogue writing is snappy and flows.
5. What do you think you’re really bad at? I have to work really hard at scenery and description. I’ve been known to have my characters naked throughout an entire scene!

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Displaying Allie.jpgAllie didn’t realize having so many jobs would become great research material for the stories she writes. She has been everything from a fitting room attendant to a bike police officer to a professional mascot escort. She has lived on three continents and in four states and has studied art, fashion design, marine biology, and advertising.

When her kids asked, “when are you going to write a story we can read?” she switched from adult novels to Young Adult and Middle Grade and hasn’t looked back.

Allie is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, Romance Writers of America including the Young Adult, Dallas Area Romance Writers and Heart of the Rockies chapters. She is also a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Currently, she lives in Colorado with her husband and two children.


  1. Love that's in this book which is a mystery! That's exciting!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting me! I'm excited about this book because it combines romance, adventure and mystery. I hope my readers enjoy it too! Allie

  3. Eppullum, Thanks for commenting. I love the mystery aspect as well. Olivia and Xander have to put together and then follow the clues in order to succeed in their quest. Allie

  4. I have really been enjoying following this tour. The more I hear about this book, the more excited I get for it! Mysteries, secret societies, ancient Egyptian secrets…soooo good! Thank you for sharing! ^_^

    cloud.weaver.girl AT gmail DOT com

  5. Rita, Thanks for continuing on the tour. I wanted to let everyone know that I'm holding a contest on my website. Sign up for my announce-only newsletter and you are entered into a contest to win a Kindle. Allie

  6. Melinda, Thanks for following the tour. If you like all things paranormal check out Supernatural Six. Six books, six authors, and only $.99 cents. Atlantis Riptide, the first book in my Lost Daughters of Atlantis is in it. Allie

  7. What an exciting sounding mystery. Loved the excerpt.

  8. MomJane, Thanks for your comment and thanks for following the tour. Allie

  9. I always love the author interviews. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Yelena, I love reading other author interviews. Mine-not so much. Allie

  11. Looks like a lot of fun!


  12. It may seem small, but I like that you posted the ages of the characters. Since I teach middle school, I know they'll like having a book about kids that are near their age.

  13. Dede, Soul Slam is a great fit for middle school kids because it is a younger YA. I've heard from several middle grade fans who enjoyed this book as well as my Lost Daughters of Atlantis series. Allie

  14. I've always been intrigues about everything connected with Egypt :) I hope this is good! :)
    Karina V

  15. I also love to know more about authors, so the interview was interesting to read.

  16. Nice excerpt, thank you.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com


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