NANOWRIMO 2013... Update

So, this was my first year to participate in NaNoWriMo...
and I totally won!

My stats (as of yesterday)

Thats rght, I averaged almost 3000 words a day!

This is what Im working on.

Title: The Empyrean (Empyrean Chronicles #1)
Author: ME 
 Theresa M Jones

After suffering a tragic loss, Lilly discovers everything about her life was a lie.
With the help of a stranger, she hunts a band of mercenaries that have wronged her to seek out answers, enact vengeance, and gain peace of mind. 

Little did she know the stranger had a secret of his own. 

Follow Lilly as she discovers a whole new world filled with dangerous fairies, pursues justice for the crimes committed against those she holds most dear, and finds love in the most unexpected places.

My Nano


  1. Congrats! That is so awesome! I've done several years, but never won. The one I got the farthest on was only 30,000. I'm kind of participating this year, and working on that one, it's now over 50,000, but I can't count it since it isn't a new one. AGain, great job!!!


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