Review: Anywhere by J Meyers


Title: Anywhere
Author: J Meyers

Skye Whitcomb is running from her troubles, and where better to run than Europe? Fresh out of college, she makes quick plans with her best friend Paige and hops on a plane.

Of course, nothing ever goes as planned—at least not for her. First, Paige has to bail, and Skye’s left to travel alone. Then she meets sweet and sexy Asher Benedict in Paris, and sparks fly after a night together on the train to Rome. He’s all kinds of perfect for her, but the timing couldn’t be worse since she was running from the altar when she left—so the last thing she wants right now is a relationship.

But Skye’s about to discover that no matter how far you run, love can find you anywhere.

So, Anywhere is a new adult novel about a 22ish woman who is trying to discover who she really is. For her entire life, she has been trying to make everyone else happy, at the expense of her own happiness, and now really has no idea who she is.
She just graduated college, and decided to fulfill her dream of backpacking across Europe with her BFF. Only problem is, as soon as they get there they find out that her friend is pregnant, and has to go home.

So that leaves Skye with a choice- go home too and cancel her dreams, or stay and try to trek through the unknown territory alone.

Thankfully, she immediately meets the sweetness that is Asher and they decide to travel together... and of course fall in love. lol

Pros: Super sweet contemporary romance. I liked Asher a lot. I liked reading about the different countries they traveled to. And overall the book was nice and pretty swoon worthy.

Cons: my cons were really only in the beginning, because soon after reading I got so into the story I didn’t care if there was anything wrong with it. haha I totally enjoyed watching (and feeling) them fall for each other!

Unwed/unplanned pregnancy is an issue with me. Especially when the couple has only been dating for a short time. It’s something that I’ve experienced myself, and Paige's reaction to it did not feel real at all. I know the story is NOT about Paige, she is just the friend... but I felt like that whole scene was totally fake. Also, I kinda felt that Skye was super selfish for not staying with her. I mean, holy crap, her BEST friend just got pregnant, her entire life is changing, and Skye thought about it for all of 10 minutes before deciding she would not go home with her… (I might be slightly exaggerating- but like I said… this is kind of a pet peeve for me.) Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Skye should have gone home with her, it was actually her first step in doing what SHE wanted instead of what someone else wanted, and that’s good. I just wanted to see a little more thought or consideration go into the decision.

Also, at first I thought this was gonna be insta-love… and I got super scared and kinda rolled my eyes a few times, but I was *thankfully* wrong!!

My only other issue was… I wanted more. Haha. The good part, the happy part, the part we all wait for, was so short… lol  But, I’m also super in favor of epilogues. Haha.

Overall, I’m so thankful for J Meyers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review, and I’m glad I read it! It was exactly what I needed, a sweet, super quick (I read it in about 3 hours) romance. I really enjoy reading all of J Meyers books!! 

Things you should know-

Language 4/5: Lost of curse words, even the Fbomb. Its not on every page, and its not vulgar, but its there. It felt like talking to an everyday early 20something… so it didn’t bother me, but may bother some.

Sex 4/5: Innuendos, Euphemisms and fade-to-black scenes make up the sex in this book. Its not detailed, but definitely there. Safe sex is advocated. Also- unwed pregnancy is addressed, if only at the beginning.

Substance Abuses: Some wine and some beer are drank by adults who would be of age, even in America (but they're in Europe). No drugs of any kind. No smoking of any kind.

No violence.

Rating: 4 Stars


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