Review: The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark

The Demon Lover (Fairwick Chronicles, #1)

Title: The Demon Lover
Author: Juliet Dark

Since accepting a teaching position at remote Fairwick College in upstate New York, Callie McFay has experienced the same disturbingly erotic dream every night: A mist enters her bedroom, then takes the shape of a virile, seductive stranger who proceeds to ravish her in the most toe-curling, wholly satisfying ways possible. Perhaps these dreams are the result of her having written the bestselling book The Sex Lives of Demon Lovers. Callie’s lifelong passion is the intersection of lurid fairy tales and Gothic literature—which is why she’s found herself at Fairwick’s renowned folklore department, living in a once-stately Victorian house that, at first sight, seemed to call her name.

But Callie soon realizes that her dreams are alarmingly real. She has a demon lover—an incubus—and he will seduce her, pleasure her, and eventually suck the very life from her. Then Callie makes another startling discovery: Her incubus is not the only mythical creature in Fairwick. As the tenured witches of the college and the resident fairies in the surrounding woods prepare to cast out the demon, Callie must accomplish something infinitely more difficult—banishing this supernatural lover from her heart.
So… I don’t know how to really review this book. So, Ill just do my best.
 First off, the book was so long. I don’t know how long it was, because it was on my kindle, but it FELT so long! It seemed to drag on forever!
I need to also mention, this is not a YA or a paranormal romance! This is an adult urban fantasy novel, with eroticism. There is very little actual ROMANCE, unless you count graphic sex scenes... which I dont.
The plot was so strange. There were too many subplots, so many things going on, that it was hard to follow along. The MAIN plot, about a woman being stalked by a demon-incubus, that was cool. but that wasn’t all. Even the part about the school being home to fairies, demons, witches, etc (a whole LOT of etc) was awesome. But then you had Phoenix. What the hell was the point of added SO much about her, when she leaves anyways? She had NO major addition to the story at all! I mean, she spent SO much time writing about Phoenix, and she added NOTHING at all to the story. Waste of time.
And with Dahlia LaMotte. I kept feeling like there was going to be a point about all her writing and diaries and journals, but there wasn’t. she was the last owner of the house… and an incubus took advantage of her too. Sum it u in a few paragraphs, not 10 chapters!
The writing was great. It is obvious that the author is a professional, bestselling author. Still again, it only felt like there was too much of it. For example, I normally read a good book in a day- even if I don’t have much time to read. But I started reading this book a month ago! I even had several days where I could spend hours reading it… and it just kept dragging on. I thought a few times about stopping- but I was still curious. I wanted to know what would happen. So like I said, the writing was good.
So, I think the story was ok. it could have been great if it was broken into 2 different books, and had a lot of extra cut out of it. But it was still good enough, that even though I was frustrated with it, I still wanted to keep reading anyways.
I wasn’t fond of the ending… I kinda felt like the real climax was about 60% through the book, and the rest was… just more words on the page. I didn’t feel like there was a big climactic ending… really it just stopped.
I haven’t decided if I will pick up the next book yet. I don’t know if I want to invest another 30 hours into 1 book…
Rating: 3/5 Stars. It was good, but not a favorite and I wont read it again.


  1. I've never heard of this book before but the summary sounds good. But from the way you're explaining your experience reading this book I don't know if I'll be picking it up anytime soon. Thanks for the honest review!

  2. Yeah, I thought it sounded great! But I was a little let down.


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