Review: Spirit bound (VA #5) by Richelle Mead

Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, #5)

Title: Spirit Bound 
(Vampire Academy #5)
Author: Richelle Mead

Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong...

After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri's birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir's-and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can't wait for their real lives beyond the Academy's iron gates to begin. But Rose's heart still aches for Dimitri, and she knows he's out there, somewhere.

She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and now he is hunting her. And this time he won't rest until Rose joins him... forever.

Again the story continues where the last one stopped. All the same characters are back. 
So, this book is about Rose trying to find a way to do the impossible. She wants to turn Dimitri back to human… well dhympir actually. But she wants hm to no longer be undead. Which technically is impossible. Or is it?

She and her group of buddies go on a long journey to discover IF it is possible, and if so… how could it be? How could someone bring back to life the undead?

While she goes back to school, to graduate, Dimirti is continuously sending her love/death –threat notes. He loves her and wants them to be together, yet wants to kill her at the same time… creepy much?

Then you have Adrain, who still loves her no matter what, and she cares for him too... but she still loves dimitri and holds out hope for him. Man I so hate love triangles.  Especially when you want BOTH sides to win. Like really… there is no way that everyone can be happy. I have come to really like Adrain, but Im still for Dimitri, even though he is being a douche right now.

Things start getting pretty crazy around the end, but I don’t want to spooil it for anyone.
Overall, definitely an exciting novel, with a lot of action, tiny bit of romance, and all kinds of craziness!
Rating: 5 Stars.


  1. Thanks for the review. This is the only one I havent read so far. Im glad to know that its good. :)


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