Review: Reached (Matched #3)

Reached (Matched, #3)

Title: Reached
 (Matched #3)
Author: Ally Condie

After leaving Society to desperately seek The Rising, and each other, Cassia and Ky have found what they were looking for, but at the cost of losing each other yet again. Cassia is assigned undercover in Central city, Ky outside the borders, an airship pilot with Indie. Xander is a medic, with a secret. All too soon, everything shifts again.

Reached is the final installment in the Matched Trilogy. It follows the three main characters as they try to overcome many obstacles in the hopes of restoring peace… kinda. The book is told in all three POVs, changing every chapter. I think it spans over several months, its not very specific in time… but will mention “several weeks” passing, or “three months ago when it started…”
Basically this story is about a Plague that has been released, and The Rising has the Cure. Which is the perfect way to start to overthrow the Society. But then something goes wrong, and the Cure isn’t all that’s needed.

Xander makes his way as a Medic/Physic who is trying to save all the ill. While Ky is busy piloting air ships to take the cure places. And Cassia… well at first she doesn’t do much except Sort… like always. Even some other minor characters come back, Eli, Indie and Hunter, along with the mysterious Anna, and a ghost from Vicks past.
Then when things change, they are thrust together to try to solve the unsolvable and save the world.

The plot is much faster than the previous book. Things happen quickly, from one bad thing to the next. They all three fight for what they believe.

The ending was nice… It left a little to be wondered about, but answered most questions you might have. Condie did a great job of explaining the science behind the Plague, the virus, and cures. Im not a scientist, so it could have been totally wrong I would never have known, but it sounded good and logical to me.

About the romance… I still didn’t feel any love from any of the characters… so its just kinda you going off what Condie writes and what they say to eachother. In the books I love, I enhoy reading about TRUE emotions… and it felt kinda bland and emotionless to me. Like, if its been months since ive seen or had any contact with the person I love, when I finally see them, I would run up, hug and kiss them. Cry probably, etc. But they just were like… “hey.” Lame.

Overall, it was a great ending to a long story. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the first 2 books. Though its not something I would read again.

See my reviews for Matched and Crossed!

Rating: 3 Stars 

Also- Power is released in SIX days! :)


  1. I've been wondering if there was more love in the last book and if I should pick it up or not. I guess I got my answer. Good luck on the launch of Power.


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