Review: Frostbite by Richelle Mead (VA #2)

Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2)

Title: Frostbite 
(Vampire Academy #2)
Author: Richelle Mead

Rose loves Dimitri, Dimitri might love Tasha, and Mason would die to be with Rose...

It’s winter break at St. Vladimir’s, but Rose is feeling anything but festive. A massive Strigoi attack has put the school on high alert, and now the Academy’s crawling with Guardians—including Rose’s hard-hitting mother, Janine Hathaway. And if hand-to-hand combat with her mom wasn’t bad enough, Rose’s tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason’s got a huge crush on her, and Rose keeps getting stuck in Lissa’s head while she’s making out with her boyfriend, Christian! The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy’s not taking any risks... This year, St. Vlad’s annual holiday ski trip is mandatory.

But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only create the illusion of safety. When three friends run away in an offensive move against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them. But heroism rarely comes without a price...

So this book starts immediately after the end of book 1. We still get to follow Rose, as she tries to understand what it means to be “shadow-kissed” how to help Lissa with her spirit power issues, and how to figure out boys.

All of our cast is back. Rose is still as stubborn, crazy and reckless as before. And just as bad-ass. Lissa is dealing with no longer being able to use magic, while balancing best friend time with boyfriend time. Dimitri is back, and hotter than ever. Mia even turns up, with her annoying, yet sad self.  Mason turns out to profess his unrequited love for Rose. And theres a new cutie in town, that I think will make more appearances in the following books- Adrian. He’s another royal, though pretty arrogant and feisty, but he keeps a deep, dark secret hidden.

The plot consists of the Strogi (bad, dead vampires) attacking the good guys. While the Morei (alive vampires) and Dhympirs (half alive vampire, half human) fight about how to solve the problem. Some think the Morei should learn to fight so they are no longer victims. Some think they should use up all the dhympirs, even the children and mothers, to protect them.
Because of the attacks, the entire school, and even others that are adults, gather together at a Ski Lodge resort to hide. But then something worse happens- the Strogies attack again- and close this time.

Some bad stuff happens, some good stuff happens… and its all very entertaining and heart wrenching.

I still wish there was more romance between Dimitri and rose- and I feel like if Adrian turns out to be a new love interest- creating a love triangle- I think Ill have to vote for him, bec there just isn’t enough emotion coming from Dimitri.

Overall, this book was pretty dang good! Even better than the first. A little more romance, a faster plot, and even more action!

Rating: 5 Stars 


  1. So happy you enjoyed this book! This series is one of my favorite ever. Great review! :)

  2. I'm so glad that you're enjoying this series! It's one of my favorites, and I was sorry that I hadn't read it a lot sooner than I did. Frostbite always stands out in my mind as the book featuring Adrian's first appearance. He's quite the character!

  3. I seriously need to get started on this series. I've been holding back, I have no idea why. Rose sounds so freaking awesome! I'm totally missing out, I can tell.
    Great review! :D

  4. I really have to get back to this series, but there's never enough time!

  5. Wow! I'm so glad you loved this book, because I just read the first one and it wasn't what I expected... well, I didn't really love it!
    I think I'll give this a try!
    Great review!!

    Lis @ The reader lines


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