Things you NEED to know!

Ok- Here is a list of 4 things that YOU should KNOW!

#1- I have Added POWER, my debut New Adult (Mature YA) Paranormal Romance Novel to Goodreads, SO you should go Add it to your TBR list!!! (Click the Picture)

#2. I will be participating in my first BLOG HOP- The Fall in Love Blog Hop from 11/01-11/09 and will be giving away ANY book from the Book Depository under $10 USD. So make sure to come by during that time to enter my giveaway!!

#3. I Created an Author Page on Facebook, so if you havent gone on over to LIKE me, PLEASE do!(Click the Picture)
#4. I got to see the rough draft photos for the Cover of POWER and O.M.G.!!!!!!
Im amazed and CANNOT wait until it is ready!!!

Things are happening people! If you want to be a part of a blog hop/book tour once I release it, let me know! (if you havent already... I already have like 8 bloggy buddies so far willing to participate!)


  1. You've got a page now? As I am a fan of awesome things, I'll be sure to head over there ASAP.

  2. Added on GR, liked on FB! Sounds like a great book!

  3. I'm participating in a blog hop too! The post's going up later tonight, since the contest is set to start tomorrow.

    I'll also add your book.

    1. Yay! Blog hops are fun! :)

      And thank you for adding my book

  4. Nice!!! I already liked your new FB page. ;)

  5. Can't wait to get your book, and I'm going to be keeping up with your bookshelf!(Although granted we have very different reading styles) -Bubba


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