Review: Exiled


Title: Exiled 
(Immortal Essence Series)
Author: RaShelle Workman
Exiled (Immortal Essence, #1)

Worlds divided them. Chance brought them together. Only love will save them.
An alien princess exiled to Earth.
An arrogant boy.
One week to get back to her planet or she'll die.
And, her only chance for survival? She must help the boy find his soul mate.
Piece of cake!

First off, check out the cover! They have recently changed the cover (to the second, smaller one I have show) but both are VERY pretty!! But I think I like the original better.

So, I have to say that I was extremely impressed by this book. You never know what kind of book you will actually get when you buy a free book… and I had never heard of this author before, so I really didn’t have any idea what it would be like.

The story is about an alien princess named Venus, who is exiled to earth on false charges, and the only way she can go home is if she can help a certain human find his soul mate and fall in love. And she has to get home soon, because Earth’s atmosphere will kill her within a week.

But it isn’t that easy, there is an alien already on Earth (he is kind of in hiding… kind of.) and he is supposed to kill her.

But, she has her trusty Formytian (basically a guardian or body guard) who is completely loyal to her helping her along the way.

The world building in the book was pretty amazing, you learn the history and back story of the gods on her planet, you learn little things about the kelphi and keilvarians (aliens and immortal aliens) along the way and its pretty extensive and impressive.

The characters were good and unique and they each had depth. I didn’t like Cheverly at all, ever. And I really felt like I culd see Venus go through each NEW emotion, one at a time. I could see and feel the way she was realizing her care for Zaren, and grow to be fond of Michael!

Zaren was by far my favorite, and though Michael was cool too, I still am rooting for Zaren. If you cant tell, these are the two love interests for Venus. And I really hate love triangles, so this is the only thing I didn’t like about this book. Without this love triangle aspect, I would have given this book a 5 star rating.
Anyways, Zaren is her guardian, while Michael is the human she has to help find true love. But Michael has some SERIOUS baggage and issues of his own. He was beat as a child, and still his mother is verbally, emotionally and physically abusive to him.

I did want to mention there was a pretty graphic violent scene where the bad guy had teenagers chop up a woman and mentioned the children already being murdered… this was pretty sad and very image provoking in my mind. So be warned.

I really liked the way Zaren explained the difference of physical attraction, love and true love to Venus, who has never experienced these emotions (or really any emotions) as she is taught since being a child, that as a princess your own emotions should be nonexistent, so as to better rule for the greater good of the whole.

Overall, I was very impressed by this book and thought the book ending wrapped up nicely, though its obvious there could be more installments.

Rating: 4 Stars


  1. I think that I have this book, too. Since it was free for Kindle.
    I love the original cover of the book, not the second new one.
    The story-line seems really intriguing and I would love to read about alien planets and new races. ET and those stuff.
    LOVED your review, Mrs. Jones!
    Your constant reader,

  2. I've always seen this book around but I've never really taken interest in it. It does sound like something I might like though. Glad you enjoyed it! :)

  3. I've been looking at this book but I couldn't decide if I wanted to read it. Really, the fastest way to ruin a book is to write about aliens and the Lux series is just like, my exception to that rule. I want to try this one, but I'm like, "what if I hate it?!!"


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