Review: Tribe of the Teddy Bear

Tribe of the Teddy Bear
Title: Tribe of the Teddy Bear

Welcome to the Tribe!
Ten-year-old Jack James has a secret. He’s found a teddy bear he swears is really a mysterious animal with supernatural abilities. Soon he discovers its name is Takota, a Tanakee on the run from some ruthless and sinister forces. After a storytelling enchantress teaches them of a centuries-old bond between humans and Tanakee as well as an ancient evil bent on destroying the entire universe, Jack and Takota are thrust toward their shared fate. On their journey for survival, Takota must conquer strong inner turmoil and learn the true nature of his emerging mystical powers, while Jack has to help harness a revolutionary device invented by his father in the hopes of rescuing them all from certain extinction.
Recommended for ages 9 and up.
I received this book free from the author for an honest review.
This book was such a delight to read. Though I rarely read younger, middle grade books and that may have tainted my opinion. Because my normal genre is much older, it took me a while to really get into this story. However, Im glad I stuck with it because it turned out to be really a great Children's Book. 

The story follows a nine year old boy with a very active imagination, as he goes on a journey with… his Magical teddy bear.
The story moves very quickly, not only with the Tribe, but also with multi-dimensional devices invented by James’s father.
There are bad guys, which would be pretty scary for younger kids. But really added some great tension to the story.
I think the thing I loved the most was James. He was a little different because his dad was always telling him about other dimensions and things, and that made him seem weird to other kids. And though I was never a 10 year old BOY, I was a weird, overly imaginative, Girl and James reminds me of ME. I liked him, and I really liked Amelia.
Rating: 3.5 Stars

It says for 9 and above, but I plan on letting my 6 year old read this. I think she will enjoy this a lot!


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