Feature Follow #11

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #80

Follow Friday is a weekly event hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
This week's Question is:
Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?
A. SOMETIMES they do... but usually my reading habits are always the same. I tend to read a lot of paranormal romance. Now... I might read something more adult romance if Im I feel like my husband is being lame. Or I might read something darker and edgier if Im angry... but usually its always the same.
What about you?
Make sur eto comment and let me know if you are a new follower so I can follow you back


  1. Great answer! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm an old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  2. Ooh nice! I like reading my paranormals as well! That's my go to read despite what my mood may be!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Great answer. =] I feel the exact same way. Thanks for sharing and visiting my FF. =]

  4. Me too, mine uually stay the same, but they may vary a little-- as yours. Great answer! Old follower.(:


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