Liebster Award

Keepin Up with the Joneses has won an award... MY FIRST BLOGGER AWARD!!

Keepin Up with the Joneses is so excited and honored to be the recipient of the Liebster Award and would like to thank Cynthia White at The Things You Can Read for the nomination.  I am humbled by the acknowledgement, Thank you so much!

What is the Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers who are up and coming and who have less than 200 followers.
1.      Each person must post 11 facts about themselves.
2.      Answer 11 questions the tagger has assigned and develop 11 questions for the people who are tagged.
3.      Tag 11 more bloggers.
4.      Tell them you've tagged them.
5.    No tag backs!

11 Facts About Me
1.    I am the mother of a 7 month old and a 6 year old.
2.    I love to paint.
3.    I love to read.
4.    I am currently writing a Paranormal Romance Trilogy.
5.    I plan to start writing a YA Paranormal romance series.
6.    I love my job!!!
7.    I don't have cable.
8.    I just got married in February!!
9.    I read books on my kindle app on my phone more than on my actual kindle.
10. Even though I just started blogging, Im pretty much obsessed with it!
11. I use WAY too many exclamation points when I write!!! :) 

What is your favorite book and why? 
Oh man, There are way too many books to choose just ONE as my favorite. Anything by Amanda Hocking. The Premonition Series by Amy Bartol. All the Amelia Atwater-Rhodes books, Except her newest ones.  

What is your favorite movie and why? 
Probably The Avengers. Maybe thats because I just recently watched it. But I loved how I already knew each of the characters from their own previous movies.

 If you could be any character in a book, who would you be? See, the problem with being a character in a book is that you have had to go through all the bad stuff the character goes through before coming out on top. And I'm not a fan of going through hardship. The only thing I can think of off the top pf my head is Mia Thermopolis in the Princess Diaries.

If you could be any character in a movie, who would you be? The only thing I can think of off the top pf my head is Mia Thermopolis in the Princess Diaries. Like I said before, I dont love a lot of pain, conflict and suffering. And what does she have to do? Get ridiculed at school? No problem. Have a boy dump her? Again, no problem. Then what? Rule a country! Heck YEAH!

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  Why? Again, this is hard! I really want to go to Rome, I would love to see the Sistine Chapel! 

If you could leave only one book for future generations to read what would it be? Im going to have to say, The Bible.

If you could choose another profession, other than the one you are in, what would you attempt?   I would love to be an Art Teacher!

What is your favorite word? Why?
Probably love. :) I love to hear I love you and I love to say I love you! I love to love!

What is your least favorite word? Why?
Well, the opposite of most favorite is least favorite. So the opposite of love is hate. I hate to hear hate and I hate to feel hate, I hate to see other people hate.

What sound or noise do you love? Why? I love to hear my children's voices! And I love to hear my husband sing!

 What sound or noise do you hate? Why?I hate to hear crying or arguing or fighting!

Questions to Answer
1.      What is your favorite book? Why?
2.      Why did you start blogging?
3.      If you could be any character in a book, who would you be?
4.      How did you come up for your blog name?
5.      If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  Why?
6.      If you could leave only one book for future generations to read what would it be?
7.      If you could choose another profession, other than the one you are in, what would you attempt?  
8.      What is your favorite word? Why?
9.      What is your least favorite word? Why?
10.  What sound or noise do you love? Why? How do you pick a book to read
11.  How do you pick a book to read?

Blogs I am tagging:


  1. I smiled when I saw you tagged me. Thanks! The Liebster is my first award too.

    Now I need to figure out who to tag. I don't think there's anything planned for Thursday, so...

    1. YAY! Im glad I got to tag you for your first award!!
      And I know what you mean. I had to go through to find 11 blogs to tag! most of the blogs I follow have a lot more than 200 followers already.

  2. Thanks so much for tagging me Mrs. Jones big big smiles all round today!
    Gosh 11 blogs? Eeeeeekkkkk! =)

  3. Thank you very much for this award, Mrs. Jones. Oh, gahd! 11 blogs? Ahaha! XD

  4. I seriously don't know how I'm going to find 11 blogs for this :O

  5. Thanks for the tag! And congrats!

  6. Congrats on winning your first award! It's always great to feel appreciated. :-)

    1. SO true! I would have tagged you but you have WAY more than 200 followers!
      I am always following your blog!


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